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Safety & Social Security
سلامت و امنیت اجتماعی
Health and Safety

At CompactGTL we are firmly committed to avoiding accidents and ill-health and to building a positive health and safety culture in the organization. We also recognize the link between good safety, health and environmental (SHE) performance and commercial success, so treat it as a responsibility at least equivalent to other business issues.
Local content & job creation

In delivering projects and plants globally CompactGTL will aim to utilise local resources:

•Aiming to set up local company branches, staffed predominantly with local people
•Sourcing support services from local companies
•Tendering the main construction contract with significant emphasis placed on the requirement to maximize where possible use of local people and companies
•Providing training to local people will also be an obligation under the terms of the main construction contract
•Providing a skilled and highly trained permanent workforce to operate the plant, with positions filled predominantly by local personnel
For a typical plant it is anticipated that a labor force of up to 1,000 people would be required to complete construction of the facility. For long term operation it is expected that in excess of 100 permanent jobs will be created.
In addition, projects of this size will require extensive support providing many employment opportunities within the local area, in particular during the construction phase. Accommodation, logistic, transport, equipment plant hire and administrative services will be sourced where possible through the local market providing significant benefits to the local economy.
Creation of fuel for local use
The output from the CompactGTL process is an ultra-clean synthetic crude oil (sometimes referred to as “Syncrude”). This Syncrude may then be converted to diesel blend stock or premium fuel products for local use. In Kazakhstan the recently announced CompactGTL projects will contribute to President Nazarbayev’s “Strategy of innovative development of Kazakhstan until 2020” by creating a local high technology industry that processes associated gas to produce fuels for local consumption.
“Kazakhstan is very interested in attracting innovative and high technology businesses into its oil and gas industry in order to implement the decision of the President of Kazakhstan to expedite industrial development of the country. I believe that this innovative project will both help solve a number of social and environmental issues in the Republic of Kazakhstan and be mutually commercially beneficial for the parties.”