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An alternative to flaring

CompactGTL operates in a market niche created by the difficulties of dealing with associated gas in remote and Deepwater applications. Often this unwanted gas is burnt off or flared into the atmosphere. Flaring represents a massive resource waste and is also a considerable environmental problem, representing some 400 million tons of annual CO2 emissions. CompactGTL offers an alternative solution for utilization of this wasted resource.

Cleaner burning fuels

The CompactGTL technology converts the problematic associated gas into ultra clean liquid products, including LPG, Naphtha and GTL diesel. The GTL diesel is cleaner-burning than conventional diesel, reducing emissions of particulates, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and other pollutants.

Protecting the local environment

In implementing its projects CompactGTL will use all reasonable measure to minimize the potential environmental impact through the responsible use of natural resources. The company is committed to working with regional stakeholders and organizations to develop of appropriate solutions to the project-specific environmental challenges and to consider the opportunities offered by the project. Particular areas of focus will include:

•Waste and by-product management (Air, Water, Solids)
•Water make-up and management
•Electrical power generation

In each case project specific health, safety and environmental standards will be developed and rigorously applied. As a minimum, these standards will comply with all applicable local, national and international legislation and regulation.